Monday, January 31, 2011

Assignment 1

Giving children the opprotunity to experience the world around them through movement will teach them how to interact with others and they will be able to experience different aspects of motor movement skills. The problem with most physical education programs are that they focused on one learning domain. A real physical education program realizes that children are human beings and that motor, cognitive, and affective approaches should all be stressed. Movement enhances perceptual-motor, cognitive concept learning, positive self-concept, and promotes positive socialization. In short, children learn how to cope with their own bodies, interact with others which promotes moral behavior, and makes them aware of their surrondings.
Healthy People 2020 created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services outlines the benefits of physical fitness, exercise, and physical activity which reduces mortality and other diseases that occur in adult hood.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

1st blog!!!

Hey guys,

     I'm very excited to write my first blog. i've never had a gmail account of had a blog account so this shall be interesting to say the least. Over the fall i was helping to coach the MVCC (Mohawk Valley community college) cross country team located in Utica, New York. There i've had time to interact with college students and help them stay motivated to keep running. It was difficult at 1st because i only knew a few people from the prvious year and i never really put a lot of thought into coaching. After the season ended i spent most of my winter break continuing to motivate those who needed it. I cannot wait to further tell you all what was accomplished for this team. But for now it was nice blogging with you all :)