2) Getting the attention of students in a class room how is that different from a gymnasium? There is no difference silly your a physical educator, the gymnasium is your class room. Maintaining the attention of your students is the most important criteria for instruction. In a gym setting your students are going to wander and wander quickly. It's our job as an educator to provide protocols in the class room. You are the instructor, you are the inspiration for the next generation, so provide some rules that are clear and positive so that students know what's expected of them. We want to keep this brief however because we can't hold them back from having fun.
3) What better way to educate than to demonstrate? It's a great way for students to observe how to execute skill concepts properly. But why should you demonstrate alone right? Let's get the students involved right? Pinpointing is a perfect way not only to get students involved but to keep them motivated. Pull a boy and girl aside who's doing the skill correctly, let their talent shine through the whole class. Then again what about little Jimmy your student who's struggling with a volleyball bump? Bring him up in front, let him show his stuff because you know he deserves your support to. You get Jimmy motivated, you give the Jimmy the ability to succeed and that's our goal as educators. We want our students to excel.
5) When performing a movement it needs to follow a sequence that your students can follow to understand. Closed skills such as free-throws and serving in Tennis are better taught using verbal cues. Students will process this information as they perform the skill continually. The more they practice the better they will get be sure to remind them of the cues needed to perform the skill. Open skills occur in a constantly changing enviornment so demonstrating a skill would benefit them more. Providing feedback to the students is a great way for them to fix mistakes and to continually process the correct movement
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